If you would like your children to be captivated and enthralled by the written word then let me share with you my love for the beauty and simplicity of a well turned phrase and help you to stimulate their imagination and expand their vocabulary while planting the seeds of a life-long passion that neither time nor circumstance can diminish.
"Richer than I you can never be - I had a mother who read to me." If Strickland Gillilan had written his poem today then I hope he would also have included fathers. My father read to me, and I to my own children - and so the virtuous circle continues. |
After a longer than usual pause, the next chapter of The Withering Timestem is ready at last. I hope you enjoy sharing it with the children you read to.
RS |
The Withering Timestem - a new book to read to your children
Frustrated by the lack of challenging new material for parents to read to their children, I eventually wrote my own book with the intention of reading it to my grandchildren. My father read The Hobbit to me when I was 6 years old and although I do not for a moment compare myself with Tolkien, if you are tired of the publishing industry assuming that no one reads to older children anymore, then I hope you and the children you read to will enjoy it.
Recommendations Blog
Having read many, many books to my own children over many, many years I like to think that I have picked up a good sense of what children will like and what parents will enjoy reading to them. A love of literature is one of the greatest gifts you can give then, and one which can never be taken away. If you teach them to fly, then one day they will soar away on the wings of their own imagination. This site contains my reviews and recommendatons and I hope you will find it helpful.
If you would like to follow me on Twitter I will let you know when I have published a new chapter or review.
If you would like to follow me on Twitter I will let you know when I have published a new chapter or review.